What is Artivist?
Artivist is a collection of artists that sell art and raise funds to support important causes that change the world.
What does my purchase go towards?
We are a social change business, and the revenue from each unique piece in our gallery is split between the artist, our non-profit partners and our company. We also believe in transparency, and you can see the breakdown for each piece.
Why does Artivist charge a fee?
Like any business, Artivist needs to charge a fee in order to cover basic operating costs. At a bare minimum, we regularly spend time negotiating with non-profits, NGOs, and artists, and we spend time and money maintaining the website.
What if I want to donate more to a cause?
We think that’s awesome, and totally encourage you to! When you check out, you have the option to donate more money to the cause that the artist is supporting.
What if I want to support a different cause than the one the artist has chosen?
We’ve made it simple by organizing our projects into social, environmental and economic themes. We encourage you to take a look at all the projects that fall into the category of your choice and see if there’s another piece of art that more closely aligns to the cause you want to support.
How do I become an Artivist?
We are always looking to collaborate with new artists. Please get in touch / fill out the application.
How does my non-profit/NGO become a partner?
We would love to support more causes. Get in touch to find out how we can partner.